Why should I avoid zeolite supplements with vitamins and minerals?

To create an effective zeolite supplement, the zeolite cages of Pure Body Extra are filled with exchangeable cations of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. The zeolite particles are then placed in pure water for a liquid zeolite suspension, ready to detox your body.

There are other zeolite providers who mix zeolites in a liquid base of synthetic vitamins, or other substances. Synthetic vitamins can carry a positive charge. And while zeolites have an affinity for highly-charged toxins, sitting in the zeolite cages for months with substances that carry even a weak positive charge could lead the zeolite to absorb those materials, and render it ineffective for detoxing the body.

Pure Body Extra

Toxins Are Everywhere

Everyday exposure to a variety of heavy metals in air, food, and water adds up. Most heavy metals accumulate in the body where they can affect multiple organs and systems and create health issues.